Friday, December 26, 2008

What Would Jesus Want?

  1. What does Jesus want us to do for the Sawi?

Although some may not like my response, I feel I must say it.

Jesus wants us, in no uncertain terms, to completely change anything in it that is against the Will of God immediately.

Although it seems harsh, simple logic can explain the “why should we” and “why would He want us”.

Tackling the first “Why should we” an easy response awaits us within the Scriptures. In this famous passage, Thomas, the disciple most famous for later initially doubting Christ's return, asks Jesus how can we know the way, presumable the way Christ wants us to follow. Jesus answered “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me. “ Simple and clean, there it is. Jesus wants us to change others as their way is inherently wrong if it disagrees with the teachings of Christ. He left us no way to escape this conclusion, and if we wish to follow Him, we need to expect the same of ourselves.

Why would we, on the other hand, takes a bit of logic. To follow, the why would Christ want us to do whatever we can to change the other culture, one should consider the following.

Close your eyes. Then open them as you have to read the next part. Imagine a blind man. Let him walk, do whatever he pleases, but keep him safe. For now. Then, put him on top of a dusty plain. Then change this dusty plain to the edge of a cliff, in fact, surround the whole thing with edge, save for one little section where the man can make it to safety. You, as someone who can see the situation, are the only that can ensure a safe passage out of a dire situation. By giving him careful instructions, even dragging him to safety if need be, you desperately want to ensure the man's survival.

And now we apply this to life.

Regardless of faith or not, take a minute to imagine this situation from the Christians view. Even if you see it as delusion, understand that Christians believe that knowledge of Christ and a faith in Him will allow for an eternal life, a cure from eternal death. Even as a non-Christian, one should be able to see that a real Christian, with real beliefs and a real love will only naturally desperately want to save those around him. They see the world as blind, inevitably doomed. And in their hand is, what Christians believe, the only cure. A true doctor would not withhold the cure to cancer. A true lawyer would not ignore evidence that completely proves innocence or culpability. I think three examples are enough.

What I'm trying to say, however, that although a desperate need for Christians to change the beliefs of others may seemed forced and unnecessarily cruel, the indications of both a bad Christian and a good Christian should be remarkably similar, as both may easily seem overbearing in their methods. It is the heart behind them, however, that matters the most, as only a true Christian will be doing these acts for the good of others, rather than for fame, personal gain, or money.

Note: Stock photography from Deviant Art community.
Photoshopped by T Hahn

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

Excellent analogies. A truly valid post, especially the idea that you put forth first... complete change. Mrs.Mc.